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  • King Marc

Movie Review : The Shape of Water

Of course you only watch a movie after it won an Oscar. It means that it's a good movie right? Other than the fact that this movie only show on selected cinema here. Now let's talk about the movie! well to me the mood of this movie is nice, it's Guillermo Del Toro anyway so yes the creature is right, the setting is right and everything fall into place. But the story-line is another thing, we've all seen this before and if you ever heard about 'Splash' starring Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks. Yes if you watch back the movie, you'll see the similarities.

But I understand why this movie won best picture, like I said previously. The look and feel of this movie is on point and that's that. Nothing much on other aspect. But Sally Hawkins performance is great! To some, playing a mute might seem easy but to get the emotion right without having a single line is hard to do. You really need to play with your facial expression and Sally did great.

So I give this movie 4/5 stars for the cinematography. It's a bit slow but you'll get the mood if you follow the movie.

P/S: Is this some kind of Zoophilia? I hope not!

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