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  • King Marc

Movie Review: Bloodshot

This probably will be my last movie review for this month or maybe year because most of the movies have been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I don't know if I'll catch the virus which I hope I don't be I've been feeling some type of ways.

I'm going to make this review simple and short because that is what this movie deserve. We've seen all too many movies like this one and it gets so boring when I watch a movie where I can already tell what's going to happen next. Being too cliche of a movie, I was yawning throughout the movie. Though I'm excited to see Kuala Lumpur being featured in the movie as the bast for the RST whatever military engineering HQ. I'm sad to see the quality of the visual effects.

The movie looks so cheap that I'm unable to enjoy all the actions in the movie. The characters are so monotone and it doesn't even inspire you (usually action movies got me excited where once the movie ends, I'll reenact some of the scenes in my car on my way back home).

I'm going to give this movie a 1.5/5 Stars because it is boring as hell. Well I don't know bout yall but yall can go the cinema or just wait till it comes out on Netflix.

P/S: A quite place part 2, Mulan, The new mutant all has been postponed!

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