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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Movie Review: Influencer

I'm so pissed that I still haven't got the chance to watch Godzilla Minus One anywhere at all. Bila tanya local cinemas, semua cakap tak ada news from distributor. Maka dengan itu, terpaksa lah saya menonton movie psychological horror ini. I recommend this movie to all the influencers out there. You guys should watch this and realize how dangerous the world is for you all.

Let's talk about this movie. Influencer ni menceritakan kisah seorang influencer bernama Madison yang pergi bercuti dekat Thailand and at the same time promoting herself and also few advertisers online. Macam biasalah dalam posting semua nampak cantik dan menarik but Madison is actually kind of upset during the vacation sebab boyfriend dia yang bernama Ryan (such a typical name) tak dapat ikut. Sebabkan dia macam tak ada mood sangat during the vacation so dia pun berkawanlah dengan CW, perempuan yang ada birthmark tu without her knowing that CW ni sebenarnya psycho.

Okay nak pause kejap and I just want to say that if I become a serial killer, CW is the kind of serial killer that I would become. I feel like it's easier to kill someone you know than a stranger. But let's not make it about me, continue with this movie. CW ni pun bawak lah Madison ni explore Thailand before she decided to dump her on a remote island and leave her to die. CW ni pun later uses Madison punya identity and hacks into Madison punya social media accounts and pretends to be Madison.

During the movie, ada scene yang reveals CW ni actually dah bunuh ramai influencers and uses their identities on social media. Once dia nak move on to another victim, CW ni akan buat announcement dekat social media yang dia hack tu yang the account owner nak retire from social media. Tapi CW ni buat kerja tak berapa clean sebab kantoi dengan boyfriend Madison. So apa jadi lepastu? Korang tengok lah sendiri okay? I'll just leave it there.

So what's my verdict for this movie? Actually I kind of like it because it's current and in trend with what's going on now and somehow I feel like this can happen in real life (or it already happened?). So dia macam ada vibe-vibe "oh this might happen to me" (lah kita pulak influencer macam mana kan) or was it because I find CW relatable and I just want to "erase" all these influencers from the face of the earth? (I'm kidding, don't call the police on me).

I'm giving this movie a solid 8/10 starts (wait I honestly forgot if I'm supposed to rate it out 5 or 10). I love the characters, the plot and Thailand. Please go and watch this movie if you berangan nak jadi influencer.


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