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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Top 5 Diet To Lose That Extra Pound (And Probably Your Life As Well)

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Tomorrow is always the best time to start our diet right? Well yes it is, according to us who can't resist those golden and crispy McDonald's fries. So if you're serious in losing that extra pounds all over your body, you might want to check out these 5 extreme diets ( yes I'm talking about Kim Kardashian losing her diamond earring in the ocean kind of extreme).

The Paleolithic Diet

Cavemen! yes that's what it is. No you don't have to live in a cave to practice this diet. All you need to do is eat like a cavemen (How you ask?). Well basically, cavemen eat raw and uncooked food (I seriously though one of them discovered fire by rubbing two stones or pebbles or whatever! and have some Saber-tooth steak). Some practitioner believes that the cavemen didn't suffer from any illnesses and got to live a healthy life by eating raw food (Did you guys traveled back in time and see with your own eyes or what?). Unlike us modern and civilized people who consumed processed food, which causes all of the illnesses in the world (Well you can always cook your own meal with your preferred unprocessed ingredients. Duh!). However, modern days health expert said that it is not safe to consume uncooked food, especially poultry products because of the danger of being infected with hazardous bacteria like salmonella (I don't know my science as much so feel free to google for a more trusted information). But there is another take on this diet, just like a more civilized caveman (is there such thing?). The practitioner will consume more meat compared to grains, legumes and dairy products because they believe that the caveman didn't really have access to these types of food (I wonder if they'd tried to milk a mammoth? or is that animal from a different age? excuse my history).

The Cotton Ball Diet

The recipe is easy, dipped a cotton (or two or how many you feel like) into a flavored liquid of your choice (Orange juice, chicken soup or coke) and you swallow it (I don't think you can chew the cotton ball). The idea is to make you feel full without gaining weight because the cotton will expand in your tummy (So they say). First of all, can your tummy even digest the cotton ball? (Imagine cotton poop) Second of all, won't it be absorbing all the liquid in your tummy and left you dehydrated? (Better eat Spongebob and see). This diet is a thing and if you don't believe me, you can try google it. This diet is said to be famous among models who wanted to stay skinny (can you just eat real food with a smaller portion instead girls?).

The Sleeping Beauty Diet

No you don't need to change your name to Aurora ,pricked your finger on a spindle wheel or even looking beautiful to try out this diet. All you need is an excessive amount of sleep. The principle of this diet is "you're not eating when you're sleeping" (How obvious can it be huh?). The practitioners will sleep themselves through hunger (I can even close my eyes when I'm starving and let alone sleep). This is clearly not healthy because there is a point where they will consume sleeping pills on an empty stomach (Better slip into coma and see how skinny you'll be).

The Air Diet

This is another diet that teaches you to trick your mind. Well basically you will eat nothing but trick your mind into thinking that you ate something. Here how it works, first you need to have mad cooking skill (not really, as long as you have access to food). After you've cooked a delicious steak, all you need to do next is look at it, bring it closer to your face and inhale all the delicious aroma. (Why human? why?) That's it, there is your air diet right there. So they say, this will trick your mind into thinking that you're already eaten the steak. (Seriously? I think my brains got a set of brains of its own to not fall into such trick).

The Tapeworm Diet

Oh how do I even begin? Naturally we all kinda have this parasite in our tummy but to purposely swallow the parasite's eggs? (Yes no chewing because you want it alive in your tummy). If you've done your research on tape worm, this parasite will attach themselves on your intestine and basically eat whatever you're eating. Have you seen the look of this parasite? I can't even imagine farming those thing in my tummy. I don't even need to elaborate about this further just to prove how dangerous it is to our body (actually I don't know how to elaborate, but you got the idea right?). This diet will definitely caused more harm than good. So why even?

Now that you all have learnt about these diets, which of these five would you give it a try? None? (Thank God sis). There are far more healthier options for us to stay in shape and have good physique. Please don't opt for this dangerous diet in order for you to get to body of your dream. If you're too lazy to stay in shape, be with someone who is in shape. Why you may ask? at least you'll be motivated or if not you'll get to show them off to your friends.

P/S: Fasting is a better option and I'm still struggling with my fat belly!

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