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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

ILLUMINAKING : 5 Things I Wish To Do Before I Die

(Fake snow makes me itch!)

5) Experience Snow

Living on the other side of the world where there's only Sunshine and Rain, I really hope that one day I'm able to experience real snow. Firstly it is because I love cold weather but not too cold and secondly because I love coats and winter is the only time I think I don't look like a maniac to wear coat. Imagine wearing a trench coat under the blazing hot sun in KL? (I did that a couple of times and I was soaking in my own sweat!)

(This is paragliding I know)

4) Skydiving

I did paragliding some years ago and it was fun! I'm scared of height but when I'm up there it felt so calm and I don't feel like coming down. So since I've checked paragliding out of my to do list. I really hope that I can try skydiving next! Or bungee jumping from KLCC bridge or whatever. Any activities that involves me falling of a great height would be fun. The higher the better right? It's just me trying to conquer my fear of height. That would be one of the greatest thing to do before I die.

(Run fast! Jeepers Creepers is coming!)

3) Run in a corn field

I know this seems a bit weird but I really want to just get lost inside a corn maze. This is probably because me being me, someone with lots of imagination. I can already imagine myself running around in the corn maze pretending to be chased by Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers. I have lots of situations in my mind planned out for my corn maze adventure! (I might even get abducted my aliens!)

(One of the photoshoot from ANTM I want to recreate!)

2) Be in a professional photoshoot

This is like my dream since 2003! The very first time I watched ANTM Cycle 1. I find it very interesting to stand in front of the camera and do some cute poses and pose with Haute Couture clothes, Exotic animals and anything at all. It is just something I want to experience just because I love being in front of the camera. I want to experience how it feels like being photographed professionally with all the proper sets, garments and make ups. I know I don't look anything like a model but I just want to experience what they're experiencing you know what I mean? Because it seems like a lot of fun but I don't know.

(Lucky girl!)

1) Meet Lady Gaga

This is my ultimate life goal! My life would be pretty much verified if I get the chance to meet Lady Gaga! After a decade of becoming a Little Monster, My love for Mother Monsters hasn't faded a bit. It grows even more from era to another era. I understand how some Little Monsters felt that Lady Gaga is not being true to herself when she came out with Joanne but for me I think it is a good thing. She is now a grown woman and her music really reflects how she go about her life. When The Fame come out, she was 23, so young and full of energy. Hence all the pop dance songs that conquered the chart. The Fame Monster was when people start paying attention to who is Lady Gaga. To stay in the lime light, she dressed up oddly just to make people talk. Born This Way was the era where she realized how big of an impact she is to the world and she needs to take advantage of that impact to voice out everyday issues. For ARTPOP, she is experimenting something new by merging ART into Pop culture. As for Joanne, the now 30 yeasr old Lady Gaga is paying tribute to her root. In that 10 years time with that amount of success, she is going back to her root with tribute to her late aunt Joanne and the music that she grew up listening to with her father. I think I need to have one special post for Lady Gaga soon!

P/S: What are the things you wish to do before you die?

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