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  • King Marc

ILLUMINAKING : Top 5 Cities I Wish To Visit

Who doesn't dream of traveling the world right? Everybody does and everyone have their own wish list of places they want to visit and below are the 5 cities that I wish to visit someday.

5) New York, USA

Well actually there several other states that I really want to visit in America but number 1 city to visit in America is New York City. First thing I'm going to do there is to get on the subway. I love public transportation so much and I'm sure I'm going to be lost but I'm going to be lost happily. Apart from that, I want to go to Central Park and visit Papa Germanotta's Pizzaria. I'm in love with New York before I know who Lady Gaga is and apparently my favourite city in America gave birth to Lady Gaga. I love New York even more!

4) Dubai, UAE

Those who know me well must know my love for architecture! Dubai is the ultimate place to go for architectural freak like me. The tallest building is there, the world largest mall is there whatever world record there are in this world are there in Dubai! I just need to be there and geeked the hell out of myself while admiring all the beautiful structures. I wish I could visit Dubai and say hello to all the beautiful buildings there. I think it is probably one of the most beautiful city in the world.

3) Berlin, Germany

I don't know why but I feel like I can smell Berlin whenever I see it on TV or even in the picture up here (its Berlin right?). For me, whenever I see Berlin, I smell fresh air and woody. Berlin seems so clean and peaceful (even the Germans sound aggressive when they speak). In Berlin, I feel like I want roam around the city with a cup of tea in my hand smiling to everyone because I'm sure I'm going to feel good there. Tranquil (or is it?)

2) Rome, Italy

I wanted to visit Rome because of the architecture. Apart from Greece, Rome has one of the most well-preserved ancient architecture and I know I will pass out when I'm standing in front of the Coliseum! Another city in Italy that I want to visit so bad in Milan. One of the world fashion capital! I know I won't be buying designer things but I know I'm going to feel fabulous just by walking in Milan. I mean its Milan, the name itself is already haute couture and you'll feel haute couture!

1) Tokyo, Japan

Most of my childhood were made by Japan! The anime, the toys and whatever were all Japan made. Plus with the world most advanced and efficient public transportation there is, how can I not visit Japan? Tokyo is the sum of all the above city in one, as a public transport enthusiast, Japan got it! As an architectural geek, Japan is it! A city with high cleanliness and minimal pollution, its Japan! Fashion? Have you not seen the fashion scene in Japan? Gosh they are it! Nice people? Japanese are so polite and somewhat cute *wink*. If I can't visit the other four, I need to at least go to Japan!

P/S: Of course if I have money I'll perform my Hajj in Mecca. Anyone wants to take me around the world?

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