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Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal


When we talk about merdeka, the first thing that comes to mind is free from colonization. Yeah that's part of being merdeka but if we look in other aspect of merdeka, we are actually not so merdeka. I really want to talk about this but not here in home country because it will get me into a deep hole and to recover from that, it's going to take a lot of time and apologies.

But I'm just going to state the points of what I think we are not 'merdeka' from yet. First it is obviously our freedom of speech. The thing is with our freedom of speech here in Malaysia it is very weird and funny. You are free to talk shit about other people especially the commoners and everyday people but once you talk the truth about the authorities, VVIPs and even the government. Suddenly you're a criminal and should be punished. What happened to freedom of speech when you can only talk about gossips and stupid things about that people you hate a school? Freedom of speech here is the ability for people to voice out something to help improve the quality of something especially how a country or an organization is being govern. How someone can better themselves. Freedom of speech to me is an open constructive criticism for everyone to learn from it. But of course it must be written based on facts and not just rumors.

Next is the freedom of individual. I'm a person who believes that everyone should have the right to practice their belief and express their individualist as long as it does not cause any harm to other people. People always use religion as an excuse to justify their hate towards certain group. If you learn about religion especially Islam, you will see how treating others with kindness is much more effective in curbing the problem rather than hating on them. As the saying goes, "Hate the sin not the sinner" because we are all sinners in this world and if you were to hate the sinner, then hate yourself first! I see lots of hate towards the LGBTQ community here in Malaysia and I know those people who are hating on the community. They're Muslims who don't even perform their prayers, been drinking alcohol and yet they point out other people's sins. Hating on other people doesn't make you a good person while helping other people does. So the next time you want to express your disgust towards a certain group of people, express your disgust towards yourself first. Reflect and see what makes you less of a sinner than the person you're disgusted with.

I think these two are the things that we have yet to feel the true merdeka from it. Injustice and Inequality! If we all can do our part by being the best of ourselves, I think we can finally be Merdeka!

P/S: Help others to better themselves!

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