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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Who Are You People?

The reason why I started blogging is because I wanted a place for me to talk and express myself. When I started college, I stopped because I don't much time to write and update my blog. Then I started my first job, second job and third job, still I have no time to update my blog. I did but not as frequent. I started to use Wix back in October 2017 and I was in the midst of looking for another job that time. So while I was browsing for jobs, I kill time by updating my blog. Honestly, I didn't expect people to actually read my blog because most of my content here is just me talking about whatever I feel like talking. It's nothing informational or useful for people on the daily.

What I like about Wix is that you can actually see the growth of your blog. I mean look at this people who've been visiting my blog and August is so far with the highest visitors. I'm like who are you people?

Why aren't you visiting my blog in May? with all these visits, why aren't you people interact with me? Do you guys actually read? I'm just curious. Anyway, thank you so much for spending your time here and go through all my stuff. As you can see, I started my blog using Wix back in October where I only update it once a week, I stopped in November because I'm transitioning to another job. My current job as a content developer. So that's why mid December 2017, I decided to update my blog daily so I can practice my writing. I know I have lots to improve so that is why I force myself to update my blog everyday so I can get my brains to function and think about the things I want to write. Sometimes at work, I just replicate whatever content that I've been doing here before. It is not easy to come out with new materials everyday and I take it as a challenge though there are times where I talk about things that I've talked about in the past but I'm sure you guys don't even remeber or notice it right?

Okay I'm going to end today's entry here and don't forget to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook by searching for faizfaisal_s. Love yall and thank you again for visiting.

P/S: I really need to step up my content. I need inspiration!

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