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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal


Where? I always wonder when will the day come where ILLUMINAKING became a household name. Everyone will have at least several pairs of ILLUMINAKING clothes in their closet. I've been planning this for almost 3-4 years and only last year I tried to take it seriously but I just don't know where did I go wrong? Everything seems to be a halt. I'm no longer on my sewing machine. I'm no longer on my tablet or sketch books doing my sketching. I feel uninspired out of a sudden. Most of the time I blame time and money.

I'm really scared that this passion of mine will go away one day and I don't want that to happen. So where is ILLUMINAKING now? I can't really answer that because I really believe that it is still in here with me but it doesn't have the chance to meet the world just yet. My goal now is to have it's debut by the time I'm 30. That is like less than 3 years left! Starting something is not easy and it requires a lot of time and effort. It is hard enough to plan it out and it is even harder to actually execute it.

Actually I already have on product but it was a big flop because I don't really have the knowledge on how to market and actually produce it back then. Now that I've been working for quite some time, I can say that I finally have a clear idea on what to do in order for me to have this brand to be out there. I really hope 2019 will be the year I can go all out and bring ILLUMINAKING into the scene. So I can finally sell some stuff here!

P/S: The year is 2019!

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