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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

ILLUMINAKING: As It Is Written, So It Shall Be Done

Sebenarnya title of this post was written days before but today I got a different news and I'm once again torn between two choices! Just a few days back I was certain with my choice based on few reasons and now I've been given another choice which I can't seem to decline. What was written? What shall be done? I don't know what to do now! Benci lah bila kena decide benda-benda yang affect perjalanan hidup ni.

Ini lah akibatnya bila susah nak say no to people sebab risau orang sakit hati dengan kita tapi kita pula yang terbeban dengan keputusan sendiri. I really think I need God and I also need to talk with my family again. This will not just affecting me but people around me so if want to make this decision I will need everyone to contribute and understand what and why the decision is made.

Oh my head! Why must we have choices???

P/S: How the hell am I going to decline either one?

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