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  • Sherry Wise


Recently I ran a poll on my Twitter account to see if you are okay if your partner to be talking to

and surprisingly most of you are comfortable with your partner talking to their crushes. I mean all 15 of you vote for that. Let's be real here, it doesn't matter if you are single or in a relationship, everyone will have a crush on someone else other than their partner right? I'm not going to give you the definition of 'Crush' from the dictionary but from what I understand is that having a crush on someone can either be a form of adoration or admiration.

So for me personally, I prefer my partner to be talking to their exes rather than their crushes. First thing first, if I already have everything you need, why would you be having a crush on someone else? If you have a crush on someone else other than me, clearly your crush got something that I don't right? Or am I just being insecure?

Where as your exes are just part of your history and you moved on with me so what is there to worry about? Well this is me talking because I have a different walk of life. I don't know about ya'll but I always have this feeling when I see someone close to me started to talk to somebody new, I feel like I have failed them and that is why they're looking for someone else.

I feel like talking about this because I know people who are in a relationship but still have dating apps and their reason is just to make friends, just having a friendly chat and what not. I understand that but what if you fell for that 'chat' friend of yours? That's why I rather be friends with my exes because at least I know things won't go further than just friends based on our history as a couple. But the future with your crush is uncertain and most probably you'll ended up together. Okay bye!

P/S: It is very difficult to date someone who has a lot of followers on Instagram.

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