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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Week In Review: Catching Up

I have a lot of catching up to do, but most importantly I need to catch up on my life! I've been missing out a lot especially my health (nothing new pun sebenarnya). I mean lately dah selalu tidur lambat and it is not because I don't want to sleep early but I can't. This affected me in various ways, work wise jangan cakap lah. Bila tidur lambat je everyday, esok bangun mesti otak kering and can't think of ideas. Makan pun sama, bangun pagi je lapar dia lain macam and to make sure yang I'll stay kenyang, I'll eat nasi lemak like almost everyday.

I know it is not a healthy choice but what choice do I have for now? Planning untuk start my workout back since awal tahun and dah masuk Q2 pun tak start-start lagi, most probably because penat pakai otak untuk kerja.

So yeah last Ahad, balik Rembau sebab nak tolong mak pick up anak-anak angkat dia from Sabah and on Monday and Tuesday kerja lah perah otak like usual. Wednesday I went for another movie date and tengok Hellboy, you can read the movie review here. Thursday, Friday sama je hanya menunggu kerja habis sebab nak balik nak rehat kan otak but still tak terehat pun. Saturday I went to Qila's house and lepak dengan Alif and Fatin watching Netflix.

It was quite a dull week last week but I'm sure this week is going to be a great one sebab my bff is getting married! Can't wait for that!

P/S: Baju nak pakai time majlis dah sendat, arghhh stress!

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