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  • Sherry Wise

Cup of Tea

When we look at a cup of tea, we might have the impression that that cup of the tea would taste good. Well that is just an impression until we have a sip right? Once we have a sip then only we can talk about whether the tea is good or not. Air teh luaran dia sama kan? if it looks clear tu both of us can have the impression of that tea can either be Teh O or Teh kosong but we can't really tell sampai lah kita rasa. Lepas dah rasa tu barulah kita tau mana Teh O mana Teh kosong and for someone yang suka minum teh tanpa gula, I prefer teh kosong over teh o. So dekat sini saya punya impression on that tea is for sure a positive one and orang yang tak suka teh kosong will have a negative impression betul tak?

Macam tu juga lah kita sesama manusia ni, mungkin kita dengan orang lain akan ada first impression yang sama terhadap seseorang. Usually for me, if we share the same first impression on someone I rather not to talk about it until I get to know that person. Balik kepada contoh teh tadi, is it fair kalau orang yang tak suka teh kosong tu go and tell other people yang teh tu tak sedap? Sedangkan ada orang lain yang appreciate teh kosong? Same goes with people, saya rasa tak adil kalau orang tu dia tak boleh nak vibe dengan someone else and decides to tell other people yang that person is this and that.

I'm talking about this because it is the reality and I've been on both ends. Saya dulu selalu je judge orang without getting to know them until one day I heard what other think of me and I said to myself, these people doesn't even know me and for them to say that I'm like this and that really hurt my feelings because most of it tak betul pun. So know saya cuba untuk tak jadi judgmental dengan orang-orang yang saya tak kenal secara rapat. But if you already posting videos kutuk orang sana sini, I don't I need to get to know you better lah. Because when the tables turned, kau pula yang tak boleh terima orang cakap pasal kau.

So kenapa post harini mula pasal teh? Sajalah nak cakap yang diri kita ni is not everyone's cup of tea. Ada yang boleh terima and ada yang tak boleh, so what we can do is just appreciate those who can accept us and pay no attention to those who cant. I mean tak guna if you are fighting to get their validation.

Sekian untuk perkonsian hari ini.

P/S: What we all really need is respect!

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