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  • Sherry Wise

ILLUMINAKING: My Bestfriend's Wedding

3 out 4 ahli FnF dah kahwin and I must say I couldn't be more happy for my girls. Menempuh alam remaja dengan diorang ni for 10 years and I really think all of them deserve to be happy in the arms of the man who love them. Out of the 3 yang kahwin, Maria je yang saya sempat untuk hadir both nikah and sanding. Most probably because lokasi yang sangat berdekatan. Rita dulu kahwin dekat Melaka, majlis sanding dia pun saya sampai dah hujung-hujung. Sofea kahwin dekat Penang, sempat lah sampai awal majlis sanding, itupun belah lelaki.

For me, I'm happy whenever my friends are happy and I felt just that masa akad nikah tu. It's like I'm mirroring whatever my friend is feeling inside. Ingat lagi masa Fatin nikah dulu, she was laughing and so did I.

Back to Maria, her friends know that she deserves this after all the things. Kitorang kawan-kawan pun selalu juga doakan semua dipermudahkan untuk Maria because we know it is not an easy decision nak kahwin ni and as friends, we want nothing but the best. So to Maria, selamat menjalani kehidupan sebagai isteri dan bekeluarga sendiri. Apa-apa roger je FnF and InsyaAllah kitorang semua akan sentiasa bersama.

Cantik lah pasangan pengantin ni, macam korean couple.

Dapat juga lah jumpa classmates masa diploma dulu and masing-masing pun dah jadi bini orang and ada anak siap.

Majlis siapa leaps ni?

P/S: Bila jumpa kawan-kawan lama mesti lah teringat perangai dulu-dulu kan.

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