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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

My Favorite Month is Here!

Yes finally it is July! My favorite month! Not just because I was born in July, but also 7 is my favorite number! So lately everything was going kinda smooth for me but towards the end of June, I got both good and bad news. I don't know how to process both news at the same time, so I celebrate my good news first. I finally got an offer to be a designer for a local brand which I will reveal real soon.

So it was like a dream comes true moment for me because I've been waiting to get my design out there since I finished high school. Now in July, I'm going to focus more on building my brand and aesthetic so that whenever people see that clothes, they'll be like "That's Faiz Faisal". The progress is a mixture of slow and fast, I mean the designing process was fast from sketching to photoshoot in like less than 3 weeks? Not sure if that how long it should be because this is indeed my first time but I did expect the process to be much longer. Now the slow progress part is me getting along with the team, I mean all the people in my team are nice and creative people, but me being me, I will need some time to adjust with a new crowd. I've never been surrounded by so many creative people in a room. Usually it's just me and that's all. Now that I have a team to work with, I'm still figuring out what can or can't I say with these people. I'm so analytical when it comes to building new relationship. My friends know how crazy and loud I can be but for someone who doesn't know me, they will think I'm that quite person who has no personality. Okay enough with the good news.

Now the bad news is that I'll be doing having so many responsibilities at my office. I will be doing double the work that I used to do. I'm complaining or whatever but there are people out there who can't even get a job and I'm here doing work for two different companies? I don't want to talk about that bad news but I wish there's something positive will come with it soon.

So that what happened in June and I really hope July will be the month for me! I'm turning 28 soon and I wish nothing but the best for myself. I really want to see a growth in my life and at this age, I should've achieved so many things but I haven't. I want to be able to speak for myself and I need to do it now! InsyaAllah everything will go according to plan. Amin!

P/S: All I want for my birthday is a prayer from all of you! Thank you!

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