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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal


Last week I did write about reformation and what not right? So I thought I was going to start it this week but I'm still finding my groves so I think it will be better to start it fresh in a new month which is August. What will happen is first I'm going to rearrange my posting days so it will be more systematic and efficient (I hope).

Starting from August 2019, the postings will be scheduled as below:

I'm not sure if this will work but I do feel that the time and day of my postings really affect my efficiency in writing and what not. Sunday will still be the day that I do my weekly recap because most of the time I do nothing on Sunday and I think it is the best time for me to just sit back and look at how my week was. Song of the week is now moved to Monday instead of Wednesday because I think it is important to set the mood right for the week with a good song!

Tuesday will still be your Fashion Tuesday where I will be talking about anything fashion. New collections, trends and whatever that falls into fashion category will be discussed on Tuesday. Wednesday will now be filled with current news or even some topics that I feel like discussing it with all of you. Thursday will now have postings on food review because for me, Thursday is the best time to be talking about what to eat because it is almost weekend and if the place is good, you can go there on weekend.

Friday will now be the day where I review all the recent movie that I've watched. Previously I'll update my movie review on Thursday but there are times where the movie only available on Thursday itself so it will be ridiculous for me to watch the movie after work and write a review on it later. Saturday will be the new day where I'll be talking about my life behind ILLUMINAKING. The name that I want people to remember and know me with.

Hopefully everything will go smoothly and there will be changes ahead yet again because I might be doing recaps on reality shows that I'll be watching such as RuPaul's Drag Race and before that day comes, we will stick to this new schedule.

P/S: Hoping for the best!

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