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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

ILLUMINAKING: Strangers > Friends > Strangers

It's the circle of life, one day you become the bestest of friends with a strangers and the next day you're a complete stranger again. Selalunya benda ni jadi akibat peredaran masa and everyone is growing up and got their own commitments like family, work and so on. To those yang dah kahwin mestilah nak utamakan pasangan masing-masing before your friends kan?

Well we all understand that but sometimes benda ni berlaku when one had too much. Let me be frank, yes this is my story and this is how it happened. I'm that kind of friend yang kalau my friends buat masalah or sakitkan hati ke, I won't take it to heart but I ingat the things yang dorang buat. Let's say not keeping their promise and this is the major issue lah basically.

I've never expect anything from my friends other than to be there for me at my lowest point. Because I want it that way so I did it that way. Meaning I always try my best to be there for them when they need me. Financial wise I must admit that I rarely helping my friends in that department but if ada rezeki lebih yes I will definitely bagi. But time, I have nothing but time to offer to my friends.

The saddest part is, some of them don't really appreciate that maybe because it is not money kot. As I've said before, time is all I have to give and if I already make time for you, the least you can do is respect it. I never asked for your time but I offered mine and kalau tak nak spent time with me pun, alert me awal-awal lah. Jangan lah dah sampai hari buat senyap and when I texted pun diam buat-buat tak perasan my text and replied the next day telling me actually you already have other plans yesterday? I could have done something else or I could have go somewhere else by myself.

Tapi tu lah, I'm the one to blame kan. Just because I've offered my time but that doesn't mean I'm entitle to have yours. Salah saya juga lah yang tak fikir that you have other commitments aside from hanging out or spending time with me. That's why you're okay with leaving me hanging without even a word. Kalau ada masalah or can't make it, just let me know. I'm not even that heartless bila orang bagi tau yang tak dapat join and I'm going to flip out. I'm not that person and my friends know that.

Well you've decided that it's best for you to cut me off instead of addressing this and move on with your life right? Well my door isn't lock so feel free to come in when you're ready.

P/S: Don't ask Don't Tell.

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