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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal


Things have been going good so far but I feel the need to double up my effort! I don't what is it with me, I find it really hard to focus on something. I think I need to see result fast and when I don't, it kinda demotivate me a bit so I feel like giving up. But I'm not going to let that happen and I will do my best to get to my goals!

Now I have a few goals to reached and everything are in the pipeline and by the end of this year. I want at least one of my many goals is achieved! I know it is not going to be an easy journey when you have to do everything by your own and it is hard to find someone who shares the same vision. That's why I've working on my clothing line myself.

I've been learning on how to start a business by myself in between time on weekdays during lunch break, after work and on weekends. But most of the time I'll be laying flat on my back feeling exhausted. Well that's what we have to go through to be successful right? Nothing comes easy in life unless you're born with a silver spoon and other than that, you will need to work your ass off.

There are times where I feel like not doing or trying to face the harsh reality of things might not work out but I always tell myself that if I work hard enough, the struggle I'm going through right now is going to be worth it! I'm sure and I believe in God's plan for me! I know if I work hard, God will help me through this.

All I want know is the support from everyone around me and your prayers. Please pray for me and hope that I'll get to where I want to be. InsyaAllah I will pray to same for you too. If you see me slacking, don't be afraid to remind me of my goals and get me back on track! I'd rather have people spit the truth to me that sugarcoating lies and get me drifted away from my goals.

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me from day 1 and I hope you will support me endlessly. Keep me in your prayers okay. Love you!

P/S: My time management still sucks!

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