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  • Sherry Wise

Week In Review: Reflect and React!

This week I got lots of reflecting to do and reflecting on it doesn't cut it, I need to react! Now I know what and who has been holding me back all this time and it is the time for me to finally take some action! I need to change the way things are going at the moment. It might be a very very slow progress but I'm willing to change for the better. I hope I will be consistent in this. Pray for me okay?

So let's see how last week went by:

Sunday (8th September)

I was at home going through my business plan and fine tuning things. I have a lot on my plate at work and now the business. I really need to put my whole existence in this and time management has been my greatest enemy. I spent almost the whole day doing nothing before I finally decided to go through my business plan. Gosh!

Monday (9th September)

It's another public holiday so I'm home contemplating whether to go out for a jog or what? Anyways it was hazy and I don't think it was a good idea to go out and do some activities. The weather was not on my side so I decided to stay at home and clean my room.

Tuesday (10th September)

The first day of work and there's no one in the office. There were like a few of us because most of my colleague took the day of for a longer weekend. Work like usual and nothing interesting happened.

Wednesday (11th September)

Second day at work after a long weekend. Still nothing interesting just work but my boss told me that she wants to submit the articles that I've written to Firefly magazine. Well if it does get published, all of you who will flying via Firefly will be entertain by writing. Well I hope so.

Thursday (12th September)

Usually I will go for movie on this day or Wednesday but none of the movies currently showing really excite me so no movie this week. I only watched some movie on Netflix and it was boring as hell. I'm sure hell is not that boring. Oh and I was at LinDees earlier to shoot a video but sadly none of the people there want to be recorded so it was a waste of my visit there. But at least I get to drink the FamilyMart Brown Sugar Bubble Milk and Dark Chocolate softserve. Plus, I did something stupid and I don't what the outcome will be.

Friday (13th September)

Yeay Friday! We went back to Rembau to get my mom and bring her back to KL because next week we are flying out of Malaysia. Where to? You'll see very soon. Again no a really productive day at work apart from me doing my usual work and revising and finalizing my business plan. I'm also working on my personal spending by creating a document on where my money go. I hope I'll be consistent in updating this!

Saturday (14th September)

It's weekend but I'm planning on a taking the whole week off the week after next week. So now I'm trying to get as many work done and pass it to my colleague. Well my work is not that hard, I just need to create content/visuals for the whole week and all they need to do is just post it. That's how I spent my Saturday. How about you?

Next week will be a short week for me because I'll be flying off to somewhere! Yeay finally!

P/S: Hopefully I will get the much deserve rest I need!

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