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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Week In Review: Festivities

Last week was okay even though gaji masuk lambat but it was still bearable lah orang kata. Last week ada cuti Deepavali on 28th October tu so kerja 4 hari je last week (supposedly lah) but I fell sick on Friday and cuti so I only worked for 3 days je. So let's recap on what really happened last week.

Sunday (27th October 2019)

Actually Deepavali jatuh on Ahad sebab tu lah cuti ganti on Monday but I've been googling when is Deepavali and all the result tunjuk 26th October. Otak dah pening dah nak post greeting on socmed bila. Since gaji belum masuk lagi, so I was at home berkemas je because mengemas makes me calm.

Monday (28th October 2019)

Kalau tengok tarikh memang patut gaji masuk harini lah but you know berbekalkan alasan public holiday maka gaji pun tak masuk. Bersendirian lagi dekat rumah berkemas (this house will always have things to kemas sebab bila I kemas, dia akan bersepah balik).

Tuesday (29th October 2019)

The first day of work, gaji pun dah masuk so pergi breakfast dekat mamak baru buka dekat area office. Luckily mamak tu makanan dia sedap-sedap so boleh jalan kaki je lepasni nak lunch. But not everyday obviously, habis lah diebetes saya menjadi-jadi kalau everyday lunch nasi kandar. Later that day, Alif and I went to watch Countdown. You guys can read my review here.

Wednesday (30th October 2019)

Harini kerja dekat LinDees, so I need to take few photos for their social media and that's about it. Bila kerja dekat LinDees ni, dia banyak berjalan-jalan in the play area wondering what kind of pictures I want to take but end up main sekali dengan budak-budak yang ada.

Thursday (31st October 2019)

It's freakin Halloween (in Malaysia at least) so ada lah a few kids yang dress up dekat LinDees plus today ada banyak event dekat LinDees. I joined this spooky science thing and it was fun lah for the kids. But I saw a very supportive father who was there with his two daughters and participate in every session during the event. Terharulah tengok his dedication kan while ada moms yang letak anak yang umur 3 - 4 tahun dalam tu, lepastu dia tinggalkan je and anak-anak dorang tak reti duduk diam pulak tu.

Friday (1st November 2019)

The day I fell sick and decided untuk take the time off. My head was very light or heavy I'm not sure but it was surely dizzy as hell. The back of my eyes panas gila and I feel like they're about the fall out of the eye sockets. So I stayed at home doing pretty much nothing and just rest.

Saturday (2nd November 2019)

Picked up my mom yang baru balik from my sister's in Kuala Terengganu. After that we immediately went back to Pedas. One thing yang tak suka balik Pedas is when I'm feeling hungry during odd hours, I've literally have nothing to munch on sebab semua benda tutup except mamak. I'm so done eating mamak waktu malam sebab I need to watch this diabetes thing okay.

Last week, I totally shut myself down during my sick period and only now I'm replying to everyone because I'm finally feeling slightly better but my head is still burning. I just don't know what to do about it.

P/S: I'm putting myself first before work now. Tak kisah lah orang-orang office nak cakap apa.

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