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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal


Before 2020 started, I have so many things planned and I feel like I'm ready to do everything from launching my own clothing line, starting my own content on YouTube and few other things. But two months in, it hit me. Am I ready for all of this? Suddenly I feel like I need more time to look back into all the things that I've planned before and see which is actually doable. I was having a conversation with myself almost every night trying to prioritize things.

But suddenly another thing hit me, if I were to wait until I'm ready. When will I ever be ready? Life is so short that I shouldn't be waiting to do all the things that I like right? So now what I'm trying to do is to actually do things even at a slow pace. A little progress is better than no progress at all. So I've been looking into lots of ways that I can get a kick-start on my brand and also my content. I feel the need to make some changes in life. I know it is not going to be easy but I'm certain that it is going to be worth it.

What I need now is the strength and inspiration! Inspiration is not my biggest concern because I'm easily inspired by my surroundings. It is the strength that I really need! The motivation! The determination! I need that and I need it now. Time is ticking and I want to be ready now! I don't want to waste another second in my life not progressing to become the better version of myself.

How do you guys find the strength in doing something? I for sure now that to start doing something, you must do something you really love and I already know what I love. But how do you get yourself to actually start doing it? Who or what motivates you? I mean I want this so bad but I'm just not doing it. Why? Share with me if you have any tips on how to kick-start your life to become more successful than before!

P/S: I've heard some of the most positive feedback on my designs but why am I still not doing anything?

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