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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal


I know this is not the time to be talking about relationship or what not but in this trying time, people will do just about anything to kill the time including texting their exes and saying hi to the people they’ve ghosted like months ago. Yes, I’ve encountered those people even more now. It’s nothing new to me because that’s my like purpose, to entertain those who are bored and got no one else to talk to.

I’m okay with that but what annoys me is when I asked them why are they suddenly texting me right now and all of their answers have been the same. “You yang sombong”, “You yang tak text I”, “You’re playing hard to get” and etc. I mean if I am what you said I am, why would I even bother replying you now? One thing that I’m done being this year is being blame for something that didn’t work out. Don’t put the blame on me when you’re the one who chose to ghost me. If you’re bored and you need someone to talk to, then just talk. Don’t suddenly text me and say stupid shit.

But being the person that I am, I won’t probably say this to you but you should have the common sense not to say shit to people who did nothing wrong to you. Plus, lets make one thing clear, I’m not playing hard to get, I’m just being careful. Being able to get out of a toxic situation can really changed someone’s perspective on something. I have a different idea on what a relationship could be now but I’m not going to take that route because I still believe in what I believe a good relationship is.

So, the next time you want to talk to me after so long, make sure you got the right answer for that. Just tell me you’re bored or something and I’ll be okay with that. Okay? Thank you!

P/S: I think no one has a clear idea of how I am as a person.

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