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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

ILLUMINAKING: Content Creation

It has been 2 years and 5 months now that I've been working as a content developer and I must be honest, not everyday is a good day. There are times where I don't feel like it, especially when your brains decided to shut down. I would say that my first year as a content developer was my prime because all the ideas that was oozing out of my brains seemed so fresh and current. Mid way through my second year, I started to have this kind of creative block where I can't seem to find a new formula on content creation.

One of my effort to keep my brains working and thinking is this blog. I know I've said it before but I'm going to say it again. The reason why I want to keep on updating my blog daily is because I want my brains to think. I want them to come up with ideas on what to write. Most of the time, yes it helped my brain to think but it doesn't help my brains to generate new ideas. Now I'm in a phase where everything is either has been said or done. I will either recycle old ideas or just keep on using the same template over and over again.

So since the RMO started, I've been doing a lot of thinking and I feel like I need a new outlet to express my creativity. One of the first think I did was start sewing again. I mean I haven't really stop but the gap between one sewing project to another was very long and it wasn't really helping me in creative thinking. Now I have discovered another outlet where I can get my brains to do some thinking and that outlet is TikTok. Yes I must admit, I wasn't really a fan of it at first because TikTok was first introduced to me with not so wholesome content. Most of the content are filled with kids trying to look pretty and sexy. But as I'm exploring the app, I discovered lots of fun and creative content.

For me, TikTok is actually a YouTube made simple. I've seen contents like, makeup tutorials, Cooking, Arts and what not and it is just fun to watch. I'm actually a big fan of the funny videos. I just love them so much and I have a favorite TikTok content creator that goes by the name Rosa (Adam Ray). So, I've installed TikTok last 2 weeks ago and I'm ready to create some content. But I have a funny story to share, after I've installed TikTok, I wanted to like sign up for an account (like obviously) but it says that my email has already been registered. I was like "wait what? when?". I clicked the forgot password button and created a new password and log in. I was surprised that I already have video of me there that dated back in 2016. Now wait a minute, did TikTok goes by a different name back then? Because I seriously don't remember having a TikTok account. So I Googles TikTok former name and yes it was Now I remember, yes I did had a account.

Okay now, please help me in this new journey of mine.I know I might not have the best content for TikTok but I need input please. I have received few encouraging words from my friends and yeah, thanks to their kind word, I feel like I'm actually doing something and my content is actually worth the watch (maybe?).

Anyway, RMO has been extended for another 2 weeks and I know it will be extended again. So, let's stay home and do fun things okay? Love you!

P/S: This RMO is giving me lots and lots of time to think. Loving it!

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