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Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Throwback Thursday: Won't Wake Up Until You Decide

Good day everyone, so today will be another throwback post that I can really relate to through the span of my life and I think everyone can relate to it actually. It's about making the right decision. I remember 8 years ago when I was writing this entry, I was 21 years old trying to figure out what to do after my diploma years. During that time, I was torn between continuing my studies in public administration or pursue my fashion design course.

I was then left with two choices, it's either to continue or switch courses. At that time, I knew that if I continue to pursue the same course, it would be disastrous for me because studying law and politics are not something I like to do. So I decided to switch course and pursue language studies instead. Now let's read what 21 year old Faiz had to say about making the right decision.

"Assalamualaikum readers. Well one of the thing I hate to do in life is to decide. I'll never know whether I've made the right decisions or not. You know the feeling right after you made a decision and it felt like it was the best thing to do but a minute later you had a different opinion about it? I don't know why I always have this feeling as if all the decisions that I've made were not right or good enough. I mean, do I really know what's best for myself? Usually I'll try to consult with my parents before I decide on something and most of the time, they'll tell me to ask God because God knows best. It is true but I really wish that making decision is a lot more easier . I hate having lots of choices because I tend to overthink things and over analyze which just take most of time. I also have the tendencies to switch my original plan at the last minute. At first I was convinced that whatever decisions that I've made was the right choice but later when I think about it, I felt like I need to do the other way round. When I become indecisive, I'll be left undecided. I'm sure all of us are facing the same issue right? Please share your stories with me if you ever felt the same way as I do =')"

OMG Faiz, when did you stopped greeting people with salam? Okay back to the post that I wrote 8 years ago, I mean I still the same way today and most probably forever. Back then, I used to let people decide what's best for me and there was a time when I told people that 'I won't wake up until you decide'. But now I've learned that, not to overthink things and whatever you've decided, leave it to God and just hope for the best because when you tend to overthink things, you'll be wasting your life thinking about the 'what ifs' rather than living the moment. Which I think would be such a waste because you can do a lot more than crying over spilled milk.

So, how do you guys deal with yourself when you have to decide major things in your life? I'm not talking about deciding where to eat but things that will impact your life in a bigger scale.

P/S: I miss the young Faiz.

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