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Fashion News: METRaya 2021

King Marc

The concepts have been finalized and the designs have been sketched. Now it's just the time for me to pick the 3 looks that I'm going to wear for this year METRaya. There's nothing much actually for me to work on this year because of limited resources and time.

I'm probably will be playing with colours this year because I don't really have all the skills to come out with crazy designs, cut and whatnot. Since the tailor will unlikely to be operating during MCO, I might need to settle with what I can do myself which mean I might not have proper pants this year.

For me, pants are the hardest thing to make because I never quite get how to assemble all the parts. Usually what I will do is to cut and get the tailor to sew because some tailor doesn't really get my sketch.

What are the concepts for this year METRaya? Well, I'll talk about it more in future posts okay. Plus I will also be talking about the possibility of putting the look on sale just in time for Raya.

P/S: Wish me luck!

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