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  • King Marc

Fashion News: Transparent

If you know me, you know that I love everything transparent or see-through. I've made my first ever see-through baju raya years back and I also own a few transparent stuff macam bag, clutch, and kasut. The kasut was my most recent purchase and I'm already obsessed with it walaupun tak tau nak pakai pergi mana time pandemic ni kan. I can and I would say that I'm obsessed with anything transparent but sadly I don't own much of it sebab macam susah nak cari all these transparent stuffs. Kalau ada yang jual pun it looks too tacky and busuk. You know what I mean?

I'm not sure lah if loving transparent stuffs ni ada kaitan dengan mental or personality ke apa but to say that I'm a transparent person pun tak juga. I think most of my friends would agree that I'm a mysterious person in terms of my personal life. Sebab I'm not really that type yang suka share or expose things that I feel like orang lain tak perlu tahu. But ironically I love wearing anything transparent. Perhaps I'm the type of person who chooses what I want others to see kot.

Okay why is this post suddenly went deep and talking about personality segala bagai ni? This post is actually to share some of the transparent or see-through stuffs that I own je. Now let's take a look at some of the things that I got with me now. I rasa some of ada dekat kampung.

So this is the see-through baju raya that I made years ago, I think almost a decade ago kot. Masa tu punya lah confident, I wore this baju without any inner kot. Maybe tengah kurus masa tu so that's why keyakinan tu di tahap tinggi. Imagine with my current condition nak pakai baju see-through tanpa inner. Mesti you guys wished that you were blind.

This one is a local brand punya bag. I think I bought this last year or 2 years back, I'm not sure. I love this bag sebab the design is so simple and it was cheap lah compared to other brands yang also keluarkan the same bag that year. I first saw something similar dekat Zara but the price was twice higher compared to this one. This bag is from erfanibrahim.

Okay this is my most recent and probably my favorite transparent punya item. I bought this from JD Sports and this Adidas Original Superstar is my version of Cindy's glass slippers. I'm so obsessed with this shoes but sadly tak tau bila nak pakai sebab pandemic ni lah. Kalau tak boleh lah juga pakai pergi office ke apa ke kan. For now, pakai dalam rumah je yang mampu.

So itu je lah some of the transparent/see-through stuff yang I have with me now. I have a see-through clutch that I bought over a decade ago dekat Sungai Wang top floor tu. Atas tu kan banyak kedai jual barang-barang rare kan. Tapi tu lah, ada dekat kampung pula clutch tu.

That's all for today, maybe I'll write an update entry for my Transparent stuff if I buy any in the future. Thank you guys for your time, see you guys again soon!

P/S: Ada innerwear see-through juga.

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