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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

ILLUMINAKING: 30 Years of Age

Oh my God! Dah 30 tahun dah pun hah and I don't know what I've been doing with my life all these while. So tahun ni sempena menginjak masuk usia 30-an ni, I scheduled a vaccine appointment dekat UM and honestly I'm nervous but excited at the same time. Nervous sebab takut dengan the post vaccine punya side-effects and excited sebab lepas dah lengkap 2 doses nanti, I can finally live a normal life.

So harini nothing fancy sebab we are in the middle of a pandemic kan? So my housemates pun got their vaccine appointment today and that was kinda a little get-together session for my birthday? Kitorang semua boleh keluar ramai-ramai pergi vaccine.

My appointment at 9.30 am and my friends adalah yang 30 minutes after one another but I'm the first one yang masuk and I asked orang yang jaga dekat pintu masuk tu and he said as long as your date is today then tak kisah what time pun boleh je masuk. Lepastu I told everyone and semua pun datang je lah awal to get vaccinated. Masa dekat dalam dewan tu, I was nervous but this time bukan pasal side-effects or what tapi lebih pada risau nak pergi mana and buat apa once your turn is up.

But fortunately the process was quick and smooth. Rasanya tak sampai 30 minutes kot and I dah selesai got my first jab. Tapi ramai pulak lah yang dekat booth nak tangkap gambar yang diri mereka telah divaksinasi. Lepastu kitorang semua balik rumah and for first few hours masing-masing okay lagi lah but after celebrating my birthday, baru lah nampak masing-masing dah lembik. Two of us passed out on the first day but I and the other person managed to survive today! Hopefully sihat je lah sampai bila-bila pun kan.

Anyways, I'll share the small celebration in esok punya posting lah sebab harini tak berapa nak larat menulis. Thanks guys for all the well wishes! Tak sabar nak menempuh hidup sebagai orang yang berusia 30 tahun. T_T

P/S: Age is just a number when you are looking this young.

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