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Writer's picture: Faiz FaisalFaiz Faisal

Niat nak buat video content ni rasanya dah nak dekat 10 tahun dah simpan tapi still tak gerak2. The main reason being that I'm an extremely shy person. Maksudnya aku ni bukan lah jenis tak semena-mena nak pergi bercakap depan orang. I'll do that if keadaan really memaksa and come to think of it, I'm actually love to do public speaking or perform infront of people. If not tak kan lah boleh menang best actor masa masuk drama competition dulu kan?

But the thing is, aku ni kurang motivasi bila nak buat benda-benda macam ni and I was in my head too much and risau apa orang nak cakap. Tapi tu dulu lah kot, though I'm still being cautious as what to say or do in a video. I feel like now and at this stage of my life, I finally got the guts to actually create video content. So I'm going to start slow with cute-cute video of me doing the things that I love first before I start making actual video content with a storyline at least.

Tomorrow I'm going to share some of the videos that I've made or perhaps I'll just share one or two for start. Lepas tu baru lah gigih buat video betul-betul kan. I've been doing some research juga on how to create video content apa semua tu and I find it quite susah and involves lots of process juga. Mana nak shoot, editing apa semua lagi. I think sebab tu lah most of these content creator buat benda ni full-time.

Aku nak buat full-time? memang tak lah aku nak tinggalkan kerja aku semata-mata nak buat content. But I'm doing all this with one purpose in my head. I want people to get to know me and bukan sebab gila glamour ke apa. Because the sad truth in today's world is that, people need to know who you are dulu before anything else. Since I'm planning on starting my own business, So I really want to leverage on this platform for people to know who I am first before I introduced my brand.

Tak sure lah benda tu akan menjadi ke tak but based on what I've been seeing as of now. That should be the right formula lah kalau nak start a business. Okay jadi marilah kita cuba ikthiar kan something for a better life kan? I mean dengan keadaan sekarang ni, memang kena ada side hustle untuk teruskan hidup dengan keadaan selesa.

P/S: Doakan saya ya kawan-kawan and hopefully everything will turn out well! Amin! #VideoContent #Inspiration #Diary #Life #Motivation #ILLUMINAKING




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