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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Last of My 20's

Updated: Jul 12, 2020

Hey yall, thank you so much for all the warm wished from everyone and especially my friends, family and the special someone. I mean I can't believe that I'm already 29 like wtf right? Times fly so fast that I didn't know what is actually going on around me. First of all I'm so thankful that I'm able to live to see 29 and honestly I couldn't be more grateful for everything that I have in my life right now.

I may not have much but I'm happy with my journey and I'm hoping to grow even more. I woke this morning still getting wishes from everyone and yesterday when I woke up, I received a good news. Great one in fact, I got the job that I want and honestly there is not better time for me to receive such great news other than on my birthday.

Anyway, my birthday was yesterday 10th July and today I'm going on a birthday trip to Melaka with <3. I mean it has been ages since I last visited Melaka and now going with someone special just make it even better. I'm sure we're going to have a great time there.

Again, thank you so much for all your lovely wishes and let's pray that I'll become even more optimistic and working even harder to pursue my dream! Amen.

P/S: I'm so excited for this trip!

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