It was announced yesterday that KL, Selangor and Putrajaya will be under the Conditional Movement Control Order starting 14th October 2020 and usually it will be going on for 2 weeks until further notice. If you asked me how I'm feeling about this CMCO? I would saya that I'm pissed! I'm beyond pissed actually because we've been following the SOPs and no case were reported and if there were, it was below 100 cases in a day.
But our government decided that it was a great time for an election and they've been campaigning without following the SOPs that they come up with and now they're spreading the virus like wild fire. Can you imagine 600+ casses a day? The highest recored new cases in a single say and it was higher thatn the first wave? What the heck Malaysia? And don't you blame it on the rakyat because I'm sure we've been doing what we've told because if we don't, we're going to be fined for RM1000. What about you VVIPs? All of ya'll barely even questioned by the authorities let alone getting tickets. If you did get the ticket, RM1000 is nothing to ya'll.
I'm so upset with whatever that is going on now. I really want to see change in Malaysia. I mean are we the Rakyat too forgiving? I mean what else can we do? I think we did protest back then right? But look at where we are now? Same old pit.
Okay back to the CMCO, I've been jobless for over a month now and I just went for an interview and I got some positive feedback and I really need a job right now. So I don't what will happened now that we are under CMCO. I really hope that I'll still get job regardless and I'll be happy to work from home. I really want to be doing something and earn some money because I have commitments to pay. Please pray for me okay.
I don't really have much to say about the CMCO and I hope those who are or will be affected by it to be given lots of strength. I know it is a difficult time for everyone and let's help each other during this time. Let's look out for each other because we only got each other now.
P/S: Ya'll gonna rot in hell for doing us like this!