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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Sunday Short: Embers Of Love

embers burning

In the quaint town of Maplewood, Kylie ran a beloved bakery known for its delightful aromas and exquisite pastries. Her path to becoming the town's favorite baker was unexpected; after graduating from law school, Kylie's passion for baking tugged at her heartstrings, leading her to trade legal briefs for flour and sugar. Among her many creations, her triple chocolate croissant stood out, so irresistible that locals had to pre-book them days in advance.

One fateful afternoon, a massive fire swept through the town. Firefighters arrived swiftly to quell the flames, and among them was Kevin, a dedicated and compassionate officer. After the fire was under control, Kevin, curious about the bakery he had heard so much about, decided to visit Kylie’s shop.

When Kevin stepped into the bakery, a different kind of spark ignited. Kylie and Kevin talked about the fire, but their conversation quickly turned into something more profound. Their eyes met, and it was as if an invisible force had pulled them together, igniting a fire of passion between them.

Kevin, eager to try Kylie's famous baked goods, asked for her recommendation. Without hesitation, Kylie suggested her renowned triple chocolate croissant. As Kevin savored each bite, he knew he had found something extraordinary, not just in the pastry but in the woman who created it.

From that day on, Kevin became a regular at the bakery. His visits, initially about the croissants, soon became about the moments he shared with Kylie. They grew close, their bond deepening with each exchange of words and stolen glances. To outsiders, they seemed like a couple, yet neither had made a move to take their relationship further.

Kylie found herself in a dilemma. She sensed Kevin's feelings but was unsure if he felt the same intensity she did. In this modern age, she was willing to make the first move, yet doubt held her back.

Their closeness continued until one day, Kevin shared somber news—his work required him to leave town, and he might not return. Devastated, Kylie avoided seeing Kevin, her heart aching with unspoken words. However, on his last day in town, she decided to give him a parting gift.

Kylie baked her famous triple chocolate croissant and waited for Kevin. When he arrived, he accepted the gift with a heavy heart and hugged her tightly, both of them knowing this might be their last embrace.

Their spirits parted as the debris from the town fire was cleared, but the bond they shared remained unbroken. The big fire had destroyed many businesses, including Kylie's bakery. On the day of the fire, Kevin had been the officer in charge, and in his efforts to save Kylie from the collapsing building, both were trapped inside.

As the flames consumed the bakery, Kylie and Kevin clung to each other, finding solace in their embrace. They perished in the fire, united in their final moments. In Maplewood, their story became a poignant reminder of love's enduring power, a love that even the fiercest flames could not extinguish.

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