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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Week in Review: Start Small

Last week was fun and I had this realization for I don't know how many times already. I really need to start small on any of my projects, goals, or anything at all. Because I know understand that you really need to at least start and get a good base for your dreams, goals, and projects to progress. With that in mind, I'm now trying to look for people to talk about how to get my goals going. Anyway, let's take a look back at last week.

Sunday (31st January 2021)

Today Feyy and I went to buy some groceries at Mid Valley and surprisingly it was packed like any normal day. Most probably because it was the weekend and everyone only had the weekend to stock up their groceries right? Or was it because they're scared that the government will announce a total lockdown on 4th February? Well, who knows right. We're just out here buying stuff to cook for the week.

Monday (1st February 2021)

The second month into 2021 and honestly I can just sleep and wake up in 2022 already. Why is the time running so fast? Today was just another normal day at work. Nothing serious happened and everything seems to fall into place. Hopefully, it'll go on for the rest of the week.

Tuesday (2nd February 2021)

Today we are busy planning for the upcoming pre CNY dinner. You see, I find it such a blessing to be working with people of different races and religions because I get to learn about their culture. Since I'm one of the committee members, I need to help plan on what to buy, what activities to do, and all the paperwork. It was fun doing all the planning but I'm that person who usually agrees on everything if I have no clue what we are doing. I mean I never plan a CNY dinner before so I don't exactly know what to do.

Wednesday (3rd February 2021)

Work was a bit slow today, most probably because I was waiting for everyone else to get their part done first before I can actually do anything else. Later in the day, Feyy and I watched '44 Hari Bangkitnya Pocong'. It was a very very slow movie and it was not that scary and the special effects? I've seen better work done by those Instagramers MUA. Oh ya, I hate sushi today after a long while and it was heavenly! I want more!

Thursday (4th February 2021)

I totally forgot about my monthly report but I swear I thought I already done with it and emailed them to my manager for review. Thank God it's not 7th yet, so I still have time to finish it and I finished it on time. Apart from work, there's nothing much going on but today I finally got my type c to HDMI cable for my laptop and now I can finally watch movies stress-free! I need to watch some online movies because those on Netflix are boring. Not all but most.

Friday (5th February 2021)

The day has finally come! Today was my first ever Sao Gong Dinner with my colleagues. It was a fun celebration and even though we celebrated it virtually, but it was still so much fun. The only downside is the internet connection and sometimes I didn't hear what they were saying but I just smile. We had the lao sang session, we also watched a documentary on CNY together and the best part was we played this online game and it was so much fun.

Saturday (6th February 2021)

Probably one of the laziest Saturday ever for me! I mean I woke up almost noon and I was in bed the whole day except for when I need to cook for lunch. I made Siakap Goreng Thai for lunch and Daging Goreng Balado for dinner. Wait.... I guess it's not as lazy Saturday as I thought it was. I did make two dishes right? I did the laundry and whatnot. I think I felt like it was a lazy Saturday because, on the weekend, I'll always do something with my room. But I didn't today.

It was such a fun week for me last week and I really hope the positivity will spread till forever!

P/S: Hello business, you there?

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