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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Beauty: What The World Finds Attractive? (Japan)

Betul lah kata orang bahawa cantik tu adalah subjektif, betul tak? or in English they will say things like "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". Maknanya kecantikan tu terletak pada pandangan seseorang. Kalau orang tu rasa cantik pada pandangan dia, so cantiklah ia. So everyone punya definition of cantik is valid for themselves and if you happened to share the same definition, maka you guys can collectively agree on what beauty is.

Jadi today, I want to share and explore what other people in other parts of the world find attractive. By the way, I will make this a series lah since it is impossible to discuss different parts of the world in one post kan. So for the first entry of the series, I will talk about things Japanese find attractive.

Okay sebelum tu I want to ask you a question. Do you have fangs? or crooked teeth? Dalam bahasa kita orang panggil taring or gigi berlapis. If you do, korang mungkin laku kalau jalan-jalan dekat Jepun. Sebab orang Jepun suka orang yang ada gigi taring or berlapis ni. Manis katanya bila senyum tu. Jadi tak payah lah bazir-bazir duit kikis gigi buat verneer nak nampak cantik kan. Pergi lah melancong ke Jepun where you will be much appreciated for your natural set of teeth, especially girls.

In Japan, while some are born with it, others sanggup pergi dentist just to get their tooth done. This trend is called 'Yaeba' which means 'double-tooth' or gigi berlapis. The trend started back in 2011 macam tu and masa tu kan people were still going crazy over J-pop and Japanese entertainment in general before the rise of South Korean entertainment. The Japenese at the time memang tengah obses dengan this one actress and lead singer of AKB48, Tomomi Itano. Apa yang istimewa sangat dia ni kan? Sebab dia ada 'Yaeba' lah and to be honest, I do find her attractive too. She looks sweet lah with 'Yaeba'.

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Although Tomomi ni dah removed dia punya gigi tu, but there are still young Japanese girl yang buat the procedure untuk dapat gigi berlapis. However, the 'Yaeba' trend ni tak lah sehebat dulu-dulu. Sekarang ni still ada yang buat but not as many. Some people think that the Western beauty standards dah start untuk menapak in Japan and only time can tell whether this trend will survive or hilang ditelan zaman.

So, what do you guys think? Korang rasa gigi berlapis ni cantik ke? Me personally, I find it attractive and betul lah orang kata ada manis dia tu.

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