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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

1000th Post Special! How To Start and Maintain a Routine?

How to start and maintain a routine?

Guys!!! Today is my 1000th post! Honestly, I didn't expect to be writing this much, but then again, it took 4 years for me to finally reach my 1000th post because I took a break in 2022 and 2023. By the way, how is everyone doing? A week into the new year 2024? Okay tak tu?

Now let's get back to today's post, I want to share with you guys some tips(?) or tricks on how to start and maintain a routine. Why am I the best(?) person to talk about this? Because I am the testimony itself.

But before that, let me give you a back story on how and why I started this routine. You know how we always wanted to try something new but it doesn't always stick kan? Contoh lah nak workout ke, nak eat healthy ke kan, usually the first-week je semangat but then masuk second-week dia macam dah samar-samar macam tu. Masuk third terus hilang ingatan nak buat apa dah kan?

Well, it's the same for most of us to be honest. Especially for me sebab I have a short focus span. Kadang-kadang tu excited nak buat something for the first few hours je lepastu hilang dah rasa semangat tu. So macam mana nak start a new routine and maintain? I'll be honest, it is not easy but percayalah it is worth it!

Now, here are the key things to do to start and maintain a new routine.

Step Number 1: Know Yourself!

Kenalilah dirimu dulu jangan delulu! Yes, take some time to know yourself first. Know your strength, know your limits, know your life goals lepastu baru lah boleh fikir what kind of routine suits you to get to where you want to go in life. This first step sangat membantu motivates you untuk start a new routine.

Step Number 2: Force Yourself!

Next, it is very important to force yourself into starting a new routine. Kalau tak paksa memang tak jalan dik. Tapi make sure lah the routine that you want to force yourself into tu adalah satu routine yang bermanfaat and doable eh. That is why it is sangat penting untuk tidak skip the first step. Tengok lah diri tu, kalau dah awak tu selembut salju and nak live healthy, jangan lah force yourself into a routine yang ibarat training askar nak pergi perang. Memang kelaut lah routine tu di minit kedua selepas you start.

Step Number 3: Track Yourself!

The final step is to track yourself! But please make the tracking part as simple as possible. Maksudnya mudah dan simple lah eh care nak track progress tu, contohnya uat lah alarm or to-do list dalam phone ke, diary hatiku ke, journal ke untuk tracking progress tu. Dan terpaling penting is the tracker kenalah mudah diakses dik. Senang cerita guna phone je lah untuk keep track. Perbuatan keeping track of your progress ni is the best motivation ever tau. Trust me sebab you can visually see things you have been doing. Especially if the routine is more on the spiritual side instead of physical.

My Testimony

Now let me share with you about something I've started to do and alhamdulillah can maintain sampai today. For my muslim brothers and sisters, mesti kita nak cuba untuk solat 5 waktu tanpa miss kan? Malu juga nak mengaku but this is the truth lah, only after my birthday last year that I managed to solat penuh 5 waktu tanpa tinggal up till today. How did I do it? Force and keeping track. I always tell myself that jangan fikir pasal perfection and just get myself biasa dulu dengan routine solat tu. The first week was a breeze, masuk second tu dia dah start malas and the following weeks up till the second month tu memang rasa setan tu dah bertenggek atas bahu and memang rasa malas gila.

But once my body and mind dah terbiasa dengan routine tu, dia jadi macam benda biasa lah. Nama pun routine kan so badan and minda you will automatically remind you to do the things yang dia dah biasa buat. Also I ada guna solat tracker yang boleh keep track you dah solat ke belum so if there's a day yang I terpaksa tinggal solat sebab I'm outside and pakaian I kotor. I know when to ganti the solat by referring back to the tracker. The tracker also helps me to ganti all the solat yang I dah tinggal sebelum-sebelum ni.

One of my goals in 2024 is to at least ganti balik solat yang I dah tinggalkan for the first half of 2023. Doa-doakan lah for me okay?

So that's how I started and maintained a new routine. I think this applies to everything you want to start in life. Another example is how I'm rebooting my blog, start hujung tahun 2023, I force myself to write every day so that I can get used to it and make it a habit while brushing my writing skills.

Okay guys, that's all from me this time. See you in the next post!

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