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21 Cancer's Personality Traits (Part 4)

Sherry Wise

okay now we have come to our last 6 personality traits. So lets wrap this up and move on with our lives!

16) Open-minded and endless imaginative.

Yes I am open-minded and kuat berangan. Though I'm open to whatever view you have but that doesn't mean I agree with it. I just a strong believer that everyone is responsible to their own action and only God can judge them. Now the berangan part, since my imagination is limitless, so i'm bound to imagine stuff that is out of this world. My imagination often got me out of trouble, where sometimes benda tu nampak merepek but still I managed to save my ass from deep shit.

17) Hold on to grudge

Sebab kan otak ni suka simpang info yang tak berguna, so that is why I tend to hold on to something for so long. I wouldn't say that I hold grudge on people, it is just that I tak lupa lah the bad things they've done to me but I always taught myself to forgive people because holding grudge can be very dreadful. I don't to end up dead and have my ghost haunt everyone who step foot into my house. I don't want to be that Kayako biatch with broken voice box or chord? you get what I mean.

18) Strong and resilient

Yasss! nothing can hurt a cancer (feelings yeah not physically). Just like the cancer cells, we can cancer doesn't go down with sharp words or whatever. Because most of the time, we wouldn't care to fight back because we know it wouldn't actually solve anything. But if we have to fight, we fight hard! and different cancer fight differently. As for me, I'm not the physical fighter as I prefer to hurt people's feeling that to hurt them physically. Because I believe that emotional scars last longer than physical scars.

19) Instinctively protects their loved ones

I may look like I don't really care about the people I love but I do love them with all my heart (unless something bad happen that I've lost interest). So whenever people try to mess with them, I automatically have this protective instinct on and try to help them in any way I can. Because the only thing that I want is to have happy people around me. So whenever I see any of friends or family acted a bit off, I'll try to reach out.

20) Complicated and have many sides of them

Well sometimes pun I feel like I don't know myself. Because there too many sides of me and they usually come out at the same time because of the people around me. Bila lepak dengan orang office, I become this very timid and focusing on what I'm doing. When I'm with my friends yang mulut jahat, I'll be the setan yang menambah perisa dekat semua cercaan yang diorang lemparkan pada masyarakat. When I'm with my more knowledgeable friends, suddenly I love politics and what recently happened in Uganda. I don't know why, but it happened naturally. Its not like I'm trying to fit in, but more like adapting I guess.

21) compassionate and empathetic heart

Sebab tu lah boleh menangis tengok cerita hantu. I don't know why but I can make myself cry just by telling myself a sad story. I love to make myself cry when I'm alone. Sejenis manusia yang cepat kesian kan orang. So kadang-kadang tu makan diri sendiri juga lah. Sebab kita ni kesian dekat dia, tapi dia ambil kesempatan pula kan. Well that is life, as long as I have the right intention of helping people, I don't really care wheter they want to appreciate it or not. Asalkan tanggungjawab nak menolong tu dah terlaksana. Dia nak buat jahat kat kita, I'll leave that to God.

P/S: well harap-harap benda ni dapat membantu korang untuk mendekati Cancer idaman korang. Orang berbintang Cancer ni baiklah. (Throwing hints for a flying airplane)

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