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  • King Marc

America's Next Top Model Alum : Kyle Kavanagh

I love a girl with a boy's name. I mean Kyle is a name usually associated with boys and I don't know what this have to do with this post so I'm going to proceed. In cycle 5, there are only 3 girls I was rooting for and one of them is Kyle. If you look at my previous post on ANTM Alum, you'll understand why and if you don't, I don't know how to explain. Okay back to Kyle, she got this very strong bone structure and in the her cycle, she has this warm personality to her that I like and was really hoping that she made it far in the competition. But in the competition, cute personality doesn't cut it. Kyle have a beautiful face no doubt but she was stiff as a rock (that's how the saying goes right?) that was why she didn't made it far. Where is she now? Not sure and hello ask google please.

P/S: I wish I have more info on these alums but their last updates are like ages ago and I don't think its relevant.

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