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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

I'll Tell You How

Motif kan banner blog post ni macam banner sukan asia 2018. Today I'm going to talk about moving on sempena kejadian yang recently happened. When I'm in a relationship, tak semua orang tau including my best friends. Saya akan bagitau orang-orang yang tak saling berkawan dengan kawan-kawan saya yang lain. But whenever people ask me 'single ke?' the answer will always be yes because kebetulan masa dorang tanya, saya pun baru ditinggalkan or the answer will still be yes because I'm in the process of knowing that person and we haven't decide whether we are an item or not.

Okay back to the topic, is it easy to move on? For me, saya rasa it's easier for me to move if I got dumped by my exes. Sebabnya I will not have to think much since they don't want me anymore so I know they no longer have a feeling for me. So I can quickly say hi to the next person and starts our new adventure. That's what I like about the new me because I can immediately reset my feelings and start fresh with someone else in a heartbeat.

But if I'm the one yang tinggalkan my ex, I'll be thinking about them and rasa risau for them until I see them with someone new. Lepas tu baru I can start dating again because I'm always ready to take them back if they say they want to give it another try. But if you who called it off, nahh I rather start something new with someone else.

So that's how it's going to be and who's next?

P/S: I really like how my brains work now!

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