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Asia's Next Top Model Season 6: Episode 6

King Marc

This week episode was unexpected, I mean why her? Just because she had a meltdown this week? One thing that I don't like about how they evaluate the girls is they only see their performance of the week. They didn't look at their overall performance. Jachin got one best performance and 3 challenge wins while Vy?

About this week challenge, I don't see the significance of it for this week photoshoot? Plus I'm so annoyed with Vy's attitude like WTH? Can you at least try? Yet she stays in the competition. As for the photoshoot, I kinda like the concept but can the production please do more outdoor photoshoot instead of a studio? Thailand and in Bangkok especially, have lots of beautiful location for photoshoot. If you remember ANTM Cycle 6? They went to Bangkok and you can see the photoshoot they did while they're in Thailand.

Yeah she looked weird here but I bet there's other photos where she look much better? Judging from her previous performance, She should have been safe!

I think you can determine who's going home next just by analyzing the opening title right? Next is Vy followed by either Dana or Mia but my bet is on Mia. Then Adela while Pim and Beauty will be in the top 2 and my AsNTM 6 is Pim!

P/S: The Nancy Drew of AsNTM!

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