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  • King Marc

Movie Review: Captain Marvel

Seriously I can't get over Captain Marvel. I think this is one of the best origin story ever! Compared to Wonder Woman, I prefer Captain Marvel because she so powerful and she had fun being a hero. She knows what to do and she doesn't need the death of a 'boyfriend' to trigger her inner power. She just know what she needs to do which is to save those who needs her.

At first I was a bit skeptical when they cast Brie Larson to be Captain Marvel but she actually nailed it. Carol Denvers is this naive soldier who won't give up and Brie really bring that mood into the character and she seems relatable because she is not your typical Hollywood pretty girl and she is bad ass.

The action was sufficient, the humor and the story are all just in the right place. If you a cat person, you might want to watch Goose the cat. That thing is actually a scene stealer! I also love how this movie doesn't showcase any romantic love story but instead they tell the story of two best-friends and a compassionate soldier.

I would definitely watch it again if someone were to treat me. I'll give this movie 4.5/5 stars and you must wait for both after credit scenes. The hall was screaming after watching the first after credit scene and I honestly can't wait for End Game!

P/S: I'm going to find me a cat and name it Goose too!

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