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  • King Marc

Music News: Lady Gaga is Pregnant?

After winning multiple awards for Shallow, Lady Gaga really didn't give the Little Monsters a chance to sit back and relax. Just recently she announced that she is 'pregnant' with her upcoming studio album code name #LG6.

Little Monsters also noticed that Mother Monster just hit the follow button on Bad Girl Riri's Instagram. If this has anything to do with #LG6, I can guarantee that all the Little Monsters around the globe will be left bald! Gasping for air! Begging for dear life! Can you imagine the magnitude of the epicness, iconicness, legendariness this could be? Gaga X Riri? Do you guys even remember what Gaga X Bey had done to humanity? And now this? If this rumor is true, we might be getting our 'Telephone' sequel after 10 mf years!

I'm hoping that Lady Gaga will drop the album or at least the single sometime before her Enigma residency resume in May! Because she might want to add new tracks for her Enigma shows or she better drop the album when she resume Enigma! I mean please drop the album this year okay. Don't just announced it and it came out 2 years later!

How excited are you Little Monsters out there?

P/S: I'm going to get my V Magazine 118!

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