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Writer's picture: Faiz FaisalFaiz Faisal

Forget about April's Fool, I'm now in my Doktor Jalinan Hubungan Manusia mode and I'm here to talk about all the relationships yang ada atas muka bumi ini. Yes I know all you horny ass people only have this cinta cintun kinda relationship in mind but surprise! Ada lagi relationships lain seperti relationship anda bersama kawan rapat, keluarga, rakan kerja, pets, strangers, God and many more.

Actually I don't know which one to focus or should I do a separate post for each type of relationships? What do yall think? Okay I don't know what do yall think but I think I'm going to talk about relationship in general and untuk lebih mendalam lagi, I'll create a dedicated post for each.

So what do you guys have in mind when you see the word 'Relationship'? For me relationship is basically life. It doesn't necessarily have to be with two or more people, relationship can be between you and yourself (no not that kind) I'm talking about relationship between you and yourself on a spiritual level. Siapa je dekat sini yang betul-betul kenal diri masing-masing? Honestly, I think I know who I am but there are times where I'm like, WTF are you? I always have this idea of what kind of person I am inside but on the outside I'm totally a different person and that is because I don't take enough time to know myself. My relationship with myself is not as strong as it should be.

And because of that, I easily let myself down and failed myself because I don't know what I really want in life. (So we are going to talk about self love now huh?) Okay lah proceed je lah kan because I really have no idea on what to talk about here. Back to the topic on relationship between oneself, I think this is the most vital part before you venture into any other form of relationship. As Rupaul always said 'If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you're gonna love somebody else?' which is very true. So before we proceed on talking about other kind of relationships, let's take a step back and look at ourselves. Do we really know ourselves that well? If not, take a time to do so and once you know who you really are, the world is basically an exam that you'll pass with your eyes close.

P/S: I'm sorry for not having a base to write on but that's what makes me special. I just go with the flow.

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