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  • Sherry Wise

Foodgasm: Jinjja Chicken

Jinjja Chikcen ni boleh lah sedap dia especially menu selain ayam goreng dia tu. Because for me yang ayam tu lebih kurang macam tempat-tempat lain like 4Fingers, Kyochon and what not. But the noodles and makanan berat yang lain semua sedap. Yang dalam gambar atas ni I forgot what was it but rasa dia sedap pedas-pedas.

The ayam pun okay lah and in term of rasa, i can give it 3.5/5 stars. Suasana dia best kalau nak lepak sebab sangat chill and bersih. Service okay-okay je sebab it is not actually fast food sebab diorang prepare upon orders. Price range dia standard harga sekarang lah, I think on average the price would be around Rm15? Full set.

Lepastu ada ice cream biru ni and being me, I love anything thing that is blue especially makanan or minuman. Actually ice cream ni is just vanilla ice cream and cone dia is charcoal infused ke apa tah but I suspect they actually used real charcoal sebab rasa cone dia pahit gila but hey, at least ice cream ni nampak Instagram worthy lah kan. Rumusan dia Jinjja Chicken ni adalah tempat makan sebulan sekali and bukan tempat lunch hari-hari.

P/S: Rasa pernah nampak outlet dia dekat Sunway Pyramid and The Gardens je baru. Tempat lain not sure where.

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