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  • King Marc

Song Of The Week: Faceshopping - SOPHIE

So the rumors were out like months ago about SOPHIE making music for LG6. So I google who is this SOPHIE girl and what kind of music she makes. I stumbled upon this song and I was hooked. If this is the kind of material she is going to make for Lady Gaga in LG6. I can assure you that LG6 is going to be a bomb! Like the good kind of bomb!

It all make sense when one of the producer said LG6 will be ARTPOP big sister and have the essence of Fame/Fame Monster! I'm here for it and can't wait to blast LG6 for 30 days straight!

First let's enjoy this song which I think would make a great runway song.

P/S: Fun fact to those who didn't know, SOPHIE is a transwoman.

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