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  • King Marc

News Flash: My Chemical Romance Reunion?

Unless you've been living under a rock or you have no idea who MCR is, you probably won't get excited over this news. I'm not sure when but it was announced that MCR is going to have a reunion. I'm also not sure if it's a reunion where they'll only perform their hit songs from their previous album in a reunion concert just like Spice Girls or will they be making new songs and a new album? I don't know.

The last time I heard about MCR was about Gerard Way's comic got turn into a Netflix series, the Umbrella Academy which I'm still waiting for season 2! Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of MCR but I grew up listening to them. Back in high school they were like the 'IT' band and I remember everyone at school was either super rempit or emo with hair fringe. Though I'm not a huge of a fan but I did get a red eyeliner just to make my emo look a bit more MCR-ish because if you noticed, Gerard did have this red eyeliner in the Helena MV. So yeah I wore it to school (mind you that I'm a school prefect some more!)

So whenever someone from the past wanna make a comeback or a reunion, the first thing that people will recall is their best hits. That's why I hope that they make a comeback with a song that we all are familiar with before introducing us with something new. Just like how Missy Elliot did, where she performed some of her best hits during the Superbowl with Miss Katy.

Okay enough about this news because I'm tired to think about what more to write. So what do you think about the reunion? are you excited? what is/are your favorite song(s) from MCR?

P/S: Helena will always have a special palce in my heart!

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