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Fashion Tuesday: Neon Blocking

King Marc

I'm no fashion expert but this year I'm going neon for my MET Raya! I don't really know what the fashion trends are right now but I feel like I wanna do something classic like from the 80's or something. So for my baju raya this year, it will have that 80's touch. What 80's touch? I mean it can be the colors, prints and even the silhouette.

But the major highlight for my baju raya this year will definitely be the colors. As ILLUMINAKING is expected to launch before raya. I guess you guys will have a glimpse of what my baju raya will be like. I just hope that this year everything is going as planned. I really need to find the time to really commit to this project. I mean yes I can definitely make my own baju raya but to make a collection for ILLUMINAKING is going to take lots of time which I don't have much at the moment!

Look at these fashionable men of 1980's. Honestly, I love bright colors but I just don't have the gut to wear it. Now I can't wait to sketch my MET Raya looks!

P/S: 4 years into making my own baju raya now!

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