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Week In Review: Freak Out, Freak Out, Freak Out

Writer's picture: Faiz FaisalFaiz Faisal

All good things must come to an end right? Well not that it's ending now but last week I was a little bit unmotivated to live life (read as go to work) because I feel like I've lost my spark. It got me dizzy just to squeeze new ideas for content. Most probably I don't have my own space to do my stuff, because I'm that kind of person who needs his personal space to work or to create. I seriously can't wait to move to new place where I can have my own space! Apart from that, last week has been great.

Let's see what last week was all about:

Sunday (23rd February 2020)

I was out the night before with my high school friends and came back earlier today around 3.30 am. Had a nap and woke up around 7am. Sent my mom to TBS because she wants to go to Terengganu to visit my sister. Had lunch with Teddy and we were still looking for a place to move in like soon because both of our contract will end on end of March. Now it's already end of February! I've been looking for unit in Bangsar especially Residensi Kerinchi and all units are already be rented out. Urgh!

Monday (24th February 2020)

First day of work and my brains were literally empty. I really can't think of anything to do today at work. I'm struggling to come up with ideas. I tried to isolate myself and see if I can think of any ideas, it worked like for the first 30 mins but then it disappear into thin air and suddenly my head is empty again. Though I didn't do much thinking today but my head hurts.

Tuesday (25th February 2020)

I'm on MC today because I couldn't get out of bed due to this severe headache. I was in bed almost the whole day except for when I was hungry around the lunch time. I went down and bought some rice and chicken. Was thinking of continue cutting the fabric I bought but my head suggest otherwise, I slept throughout the day before I finally woke up later in the evening and said to myself that I really need to sweat it out so I danced to Dua Lipa again and also Lady Gaga. Felt better after that dance session and I'm ready to sleep again.

Wednesday (26th February 2020)

I'm at LinDees like usual but this time I felt a little overwhelmed with everything maybe because I haven't fully recovered from my headache the day before. It felt like I need to get everything done in a day and I couldn't breathe. I need to reach out to lots of people who have not been replying and I'm running out of time and I just couldn't think straight. I really want to get a proper day off to reset my brains yet again.

Thursday (27th February 2020)

My mood was a little better today and me, Z and Rafiz set up a booth in the Hartamas Shopping Centre and it was fun. What I like about working at LinDees is that, it doesn't feel like you're working in an office because it is not an office. So my mind is a bit free and relaxed because I can actually interact with my surrounding and get some inspiration when I see the kids playing and what not. I also find it very therapeutic to play with the kids (well not the annoying one). It's like playing with kittens. After work I went for dinner with Teddy and I watched Fantasy Island. You guys can read my review here.

Friday (28th February 2020)

Friday was the most important day of last week 1st because Lady Gaga released her first single from her upcoming 6th Studio album and also it was my best friend's birthday! Yes Sofea R or Puteri Nadia turned 29 today! I'm happy how my week as saved by all these celebration! After work I went to watch The Invisible Man and yall can read the review here.

Finally the #LG6 era has begun and I'm living! The best single from Lady Gaga after Bad Romance (personally). The beat the visual! I really hope that this is going to be a visual album because we deserve it! I hope somewhere in #LG6, we will finally get our Telephone sequel! What a way to end the week! I want your stupid love! Please watch the video below and show some love to Mother Monster!

Saturday ( 29th February 2020)

24 hours passed and I'm still have Stupid Love on repeat and I finally decided to get an iPhone 11 Pro as well. The power that this woman has is beyond this world. Now I'm back to being an iPhone user after 4 years of using Android. Oh and Fatin moved out of her old place and move into our place. She is now living in the next room to mine! Now it'll be easier for us to have our daily heart to heart session! All is good!

Last week started kinda sad but it ended with a bang! I love how someone can immediately change my mood in a second! Oh by the way, starting next week, there will be some changes to the posting schedule as RPDR season 12 already started, so I'll be reviewing the episode every Monday and Song Of The Week will be posted every Wednesday now and the Foodgasm post will be posted hand in hand with News Flash/Throwback Thursday since I'm not be going to explore new eatery every week right.

That's all, I'll see you guys again next week!

P/S: I want your stupid love ah ah ah ah ooh ooh ooh ooh!

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