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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Throwback Thursday: Black Magic

Let’s have little throwback today with our first ever Throwback Thursday that will feature a post from the past. Some of you might already know that I’ve been writing blog since high school and back then, I was on So today, I want to go down the memory lane and repost some of my old blog post. I mean why not right? So today, I’m going to share a post that I wrote back in 2013.

I think this was one of the craziest things that happened to me when I was living in Shah Alam while pursuing my degree.

Assalamualaikum, so earlier today, something creepy happened to me and my housemates. I had a weird dream and it felt almost like a nightmare to me and it was like a scene in 'when a stranger calls' movie. I remembered in my dream, there was this man who called my phone but I didn’t recognize the voice or know who he was. On the phone, he told me to 'be careful, I’m in your house' and suddenly I woke up from that dream and was feeling thirsty. It was around 5 am that time, so I went to the kitchen and drank some water. I was thinking should I have sahur because it was still early but I decided not to. so, around 5.30 am or so, I went back to sleep. It was around 6 am where I was awakened by the commotion of everybody in the house, I heard one of them said that someone had broken into our house. I was so sleepy to join in the conversation but not until Fateh, one of my housemates woke up and found out that his phone went missing and also my other housemates got his money stolen. One of my housemates said that he saw the culprit. He told us that the guy was undressed like literally naked and was in shocked when my housemate turned on the light. That guy went straight out the front door leaving my housemate speechless. What made me felt very disturbed was when my housemate told me that the guy was actually stood near the couch where I was sleeping with his back facing my head. I was lucky that my housemate woke up on time before that creepy guy could done anything to me. Luckily that guy didn't take any of my stuff because all my phones were on the other couch together with my laptop. What puzzled me was the dream I had earlier, was it actually a dream or was the guy himself was talking to me while I was half conscious? Whatever it was, I hope everything will be okay today. what an experienced I had.”

That was not all actually, I missed out another important detail of what had happened that day. That morning, all of us saw all of the pillows used by everyone were stacked behind the front door. One of us checked with his father about it and he told us it was some sort of black magic. That culprit was actually new to the black magic and was trying his power out. Luckily he didn’t hurt any of us.

P/S: So this black magic thing was nothing new in my apparently.

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