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  • King Marc

Fashion Tuesday: The Celebration of #METRaya2020

Today is the final day of my MET Raya 2020. It was something that I came up with since 2016 because I felt like Raya is the only time I can wear anything and feel good about it. Since 2016, I have concerns when making outfits for the occasion because I'm so scared of what people will think and say about it. You know they are several viral Raya outfits that made it into blogs and what not and I don't want to be one of them.

My inspirations for the outfits that I'm making each year will either be from what is in trend or something that I feel like I wanted to wear but is not available. I don't want to be talking about the history of my MET Raya but this year, I wanted to show that you can be anything with fashion. I created different looks and reflect the different personalities that I have. Now, let's see what are the looks that I've created this year. (Please keep in mind that the final outfits are different from the original plans).


Black Raya is a concept that I came up with kinda last minute because I want to express my sadness this Raya through the color. As we all know, this year's Raya is a bit different because we can't really go back to our hometown and celebrate or even visit our relatives and what not. So, I feel like as much as the Black represent sorrow and sadness, it also a symbol of power. I mean there is not superior color than black aside from white. The styling of this outfit is based on the fact that I can be very serious at time but also very laid back and chill. Thus, having that almost traditional 'Baju Melayu' silhouette with sheer top and 'Sampin' but I paired it with a beanie instead to make it look more chill and casual.


This is me all the time. Having to decide between two things is something that I really hate to do. Most of the time I'll be thinking too much whether I'm doing the right choices or not or will the outcome turns out great or not. In a simple word, I am sometimes quite unsure of myself. That's why I put two colors together to make it work. It symbolizes me making a decision on common ground. I'll take both of the choices that I have and try to take a little of each and make it work. That's how I'm going to live my life now, give me two choices and I'll choose the third.


This is also a last minute outfit because I found this fabric while I was unpacking after moving into my new place. I had a very long pause when I saw it and it clicked, this is actually a stunning fabric and it reminds me of the Renaissance art. That's the direction that I'm going for with the straight neck-line and structured cut, this is the most dramatic outfit for me this year because in case you didn't know, I live for drama. This outfit is a little extra and that extraness that I want to share with the world because I feel like as of now, the only people who knows that I'm extra are my friends. I think my family have an idea but I don't really show it.

So, that's all the outfits that I made this year and honestly I'm still learning and as I mentioned lots of time before that I'm trying to make a living out of this and I really appreciate all the feedback that I got from everyone. Some of you guys really like the tops and some of you love the bottoms and if I were to make these outfits available for purchase. Would you guys buy it? Let me know if you would and pray that I'll get to produce it for purchase soon.

Thank you everyone and selamat hari raya!

P/S: I'm surprised that the Raya-Naissance top got so much love. I didn't expect boys to actually like it because it does look kinda feminine no?

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