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Gegar Vaganza 7: Minggu 9

King Marc

Dah masuk separuh akhir dah pun Gegar Vaganza 7 ni. So this week after a month tak update pasal GV, akhirnya I got the chance to do so. The assignment for last week was 'Go International' or 'outstation' ke macam mana entah where peserta semua kena nyanyi dua lagu, one lagu melayu and one lagu international. Usually format dia will be first round nyanyi the first song and second round nyanyi second song. But kali ini the format more to medley where the peserta nyanyi two songs back to back.

The night started with Ayu Damit and followed by Kak Ani, Cliff Umar, Linda, Ashira, Muss, and lastly Oja. For me semua did great but I wasn't sure about Kak Ani. I mean sengau dia macam too much and it doesn't suit both of the songs she performed last night. I'm in love with Ashira on how she sounded better towards the end of this season.

Next week dah final and usually it will be a showdown between 6 finalists tapi tahun ni tiba-tiba ada 7 pula? Battle round ada 3? I don't know what kind of trick Astro is going to pull this year. Last year we have two winners and this year? All 7 will win ke macam mana? Or there will be a wildcard round within the others yang dah tersingkir? I mean Boss Susu belum guna immunity dia kan? Perhaps dia akan guna untuk bring 1 peserta yang tersingkir to final? Mungkin kan?

Untuk final, the finalists will be performing 2 songs. Satu solo and another 1 duet with previous GV winners. Kalau includes battle round, 3 performances lah each finalist akan perform. As for now, the clear winner would be Muss and my top 3 would be Muss, Linda and Ayu or Ashira.

Siapa top 3 korang? Share down in the comment section.

P/S: I'm not a fan of the skit they had on stage. Tak kelakar and cringe.

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