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Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal


I think I've talked about this for so many times now. I've lost count on how many times I've said that growing up is a scam. At least to me it is, I don't know what it is that makes it so hard to live life as an adult. When I was young, I had this idea of living life as an adult is so much fun because you can finally do what you want to do but I didn't know that it is not as easy as it seems.

The biggest scammer in the history of our life is ourselves. We think that we can afford to live life as we imagine but the truth is, we don't. When we talk about being an adult, we need to talk about commitments because that's what being an adult is all about. Having commitments! But how did we get ourselves into commitments? Well there are two ways only, first we grow ourselves into it and the second one is we get ourselves into it.

How did we grow ourselves into commitments? Easy! As you grow up, you'll need to take care of yourself and commitments such as food, shelter and all other basic necessities are the commitments that you can't avoid. I mean if you have parents who are willing and able to support your life until the day you die, then consider yourself lucky because that's not the case for most of us. We will need to work and get paid in order for us to live. These are the kind of commitments that we grow ourselves into and there's nothing we can do to avoid it.

What are the commitments that we get ourselves into? Easy! The things that we want to have in our lives. You wants and needs are two different thing and wants are mostly just the things to enhance your social status. You can cook at home so why commit yourself to a fine dining? You can take the public transport so why commit yourself to a fancy car? These are the kind of commitments that really been weighing most of us down. This all happened because of the world we are living now.

Would you agree if I said before there were social medias, the only think we are concerned about is the people next to us. Our family and our neighbors right? But right now in this day and time, we are concerned about people living thousand miles away which is not entirely a bad thing. But when you started to compare your life with other people through social media, that is when things got a little hard for yourself.

You'll start to commit yourself into the things that is not even important and you'll get worn out from trying to live the life that weren't meant for you. What happens next? You'll feel down and unaccomplished and it will affect you mentally and emotionally. So that's why I always told myself that, the next time I want to talk about commitments, I need to look back at myself whether I've put myself in commitments that wasn't meant for me or not. Because I don't want to be complaining about life and not realizing that I'm the one who actually put myself in the situation.

I want all of us to start to think about ourselves and live within our means. Stop trying to please others and never compare the live you're living with someone who have more. Always think about those who have nothing at all and by doing that, you'll see just how fortunate you are to be living in this world. So let's not talk about any other commitments other than you committing to live your own life within your own means. Thank you.

P/S: I know it is a hard pill to swallow but we are our own worst enemy. Never put the blame on others when your life is failing.

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